Monday, June 7, 2010

Food Party Season 2 Episode 3 A rich playboy crashes his car through Thu’s kitchen

Party Season 2 Episode 3 A rich playboy crashes his car through Thu’s kitchen

Party Season 2 Episode 3 A rich playboy crashes his car through Thu’s kitchen

Title: Party - A rich playboy crashes his car through Thu’s kitchen.

Summary: A normal night of cooking goes awry when a rich playboy crashes his car through Thu's kitchen. The playboy gives her ample money to fix the hole in her house, but Thu is too enamored by the sexy playboy to care about the damage. The playboy leaves his arm and shoe behind while quickly leaving the scene of the accident. Thu buys lobsters and caviar with her new fortune, attempting to impress the playboy with her decadence, but the playboy is not impressed. Quickly shaking off the rejection, Thu spends the rest of the money on a giant statue of herself.

Review: Watch the splendid episode of "Party Season 2 Episode 3 A rich playboy crashes his car through Thu’s kitchen". Don't miss this online!


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