Monday, July 26, 2010

The Real L Word Season 1 Episode 6 Family Ties

The Real L Word Season 1 Episode 6 Family Ties

The Real L Word Season 1 Episode 6 Family Ties

Title: The Real L Word - Family Ties

Summary: Rose dines with Natalie’s mother and they hit it off nicely, but Natalie later shares some disconcerting news about her mother. Meanwhile, Tracy discovers that her mother has enjoined her sister Amy to glean information about Stamie; Jill and Nikki scout Malibu wedding locations hoping to find an affordable site; jealousy rears its head when Whitney learns Tor has been seeing someone; and no-show editors at Mikey’s New York press event lead her to hit the bottle a little too hard.

Review: Watch the stimulating episode of "The Real L Word Season 1 Episode 6 Family Ties" now! You shouldn't miss it!


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