Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Persons Unknown Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Persons Unknown Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Persons Unknown Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Title: Persons Unknown Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot

Summary: When seven strangers are abducted and wake up in an abandoned town, confusion sets in. They soon discover cameras are watching their every move and whoever took them has taken extreme measures to keep them from leaving. The mystery thickens after dinner at a mysterious Chinese restaurant, where Janet Cooper's fortune reads, "Kill your neighbor and you'll go free."

Review: Watch the stimulating episode of "Persons Unknown Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot" now! Be sure you shouldn't loss the chance to watch this online!



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I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop

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