Monday, August 2, 2010

The Glades Season 1 Episode 4 Mucked Up

The Glades Season 1 Episode 4 Mucked Up

The Glades Season 1 Episode 4 Mucked Up

Title: The Glades - Mucked Up

Summary: Jim is introduced to the intensely competitive world of Florida high school football as the small town of Pahokee prepares for the annual “Muck Bowl,” an event that draws national attention because of the many NFL players who came from that area and who have played in that game. When the dead body of a businessman emerges from the muck in a sugar cane field days before the big game, Longworth must figure out who would want the man dead.

Review: Watch "The Glades Season 1 Episode 4 Mucked Up" now! Be sure you will never miss this episode!


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I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop I Got Scoop

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