Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dispatches Undercover Social Worker Season 1 Episode 1 A Widow’s War on Yobs

Dispatches Undercover Social Worker Season 1 Episode 1 A Widow’s War on Yobs

Dispatches Undercover Social Worker Season 1 Episode 1 A Widow’s War on Yobs

Title: Dispatches Undercover Social Worker -A Widow’s War on Yobs

Summary: In the wake of the tragic death of "Baby P" and other high-profile cases of child abuse and murder, Dispatches investigates allegations that child protection procedures and practices continue to be inadequate. A Dispatches reporter worked undercover in a UK social services department for three months, discovering what child protection services are actually like on the ground. His disturbing investigation uncovers a lack of resources, inadequate staff support and training, high workloads, poor morale and overwhelming amounts of red tape and "box-ticking", reducing the time that social workers can spend helping children. The programme also raises questions about what is actually being done to protect some of Britain's most vulnerable children

Review: Watch the exciting episode of "Dispatches Undercover Social Worker Season 1 Episode 1 A Widow’s War on Yobs" now. don't miss it!



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